Sunday, September 12, 2010

A mostly hairy day

Today I set out to finish the half wig. I started bright and early and might have finished if i continuously worked on it.... In any case I finished sewing all the tracks I made, as well as 1 more pack worth of hair.  I manged to not get the size of the tracks right at all so i lost a bit of hair when I had to cut them down. This is a picture of my first attempt to sew to pieces onto the same line. Can't even tell (you can also see the c-needle I use to attach the weft).

So after getting to this point I realized I only have the first two wefts I made left. I made these extremely thick since I didn't know any better. I decided it's best to use them on top of the crown of the head so i can get that angular shape of her hair. Thus at this point I went back to the store and bought 3 more packs of hair.  I've been getting the $2 packs of hair and this time decided to get one of the $1 packs to see how it was different from what I was using (I wanted to stick with the same hair so I just kept buying the more expensive one). So I measured for 2 tracks of hair and then went to make wefts. The $1 pack required a bit more work I had to pull the hair and mess with it to get it to act like the $2 hair but eventually it worked out and I figure I can cut my cost in half the next time I do this :).

I measured around and determined I have 4 tracks left to make/apply almost there! And after that I get to style it the way it should be :) So here are some pictures of how I leave it tonight.

Next the shirt!
I manged to get distracted from the hair a bit (Around the time I realized I needed more hair and thus had to leave the apt). I decided to try to figure out the best way to draft a collar so I looked around the web a bit and saw where someone used pattern pieces to measure for the collar so I just used the shirt and drafted my own.

I measured the top and made a pattern on paper for half and used the fold.

Next I added interfacing to one side

This is the way the shirt looked before I started with the collar:

After attaching the collar I'm realizing that I need to split the front for it to lay properly.

I also need to trim the excess fabric from the front.
You can see that it's not finished, instead of slip stitching the collar I'm going to attach a lining of sorts. Something unfinished but just a second layer of fabric so it's not quite so see-through.

So that's the progress on the shirt.

Next taking a bite out of accessories.
 I manged to pick this up from the beauty store for $1 :) It is about 12 bangles interlocked but since it's cheap they were easy to separate.

I left a few closed (not pictured) To serve as the bangles she wears on her wrists but these I'm hoping to glue or solder together to make the remaining jewelry.

And thus concludes my long day of crafting (maybe tomorrow I'll get some homework done.)

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