Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A sweet concoction

Let's just say 3+ years ago... back in undergrad I remember hanging out with friends in our dorm rooms drinking Smirnoff Ice. My favorite was the green apple flavor. One night our party had snacks, in particular skittles and I thought, my Smirnoff Ice is green apple flavor, and I have green skittles they must go together! And thus I found not only could did It turn the drink green but it also made it a bit sweeter which always worked for me. After surfing around on the internet I found out I'm not the only person to want to mix skittles and alcohol. I found this wonderful tutorial on how to extract the wonderful skittle color and flavor into vodka.

So the first thing I did was go to Sams Club and bought the 54oz bag of skittles for about $5.75. This ended up being way to much for the amount needed for the recipe however I had a blast separating the colors.


My favorite skittles are the purple ones but those are the fewest in the bag I got. However I ended up with over 250 skittles of each color, over 300 for some of them.

Since I did this in advance I placed the skittles in separate baggies and put them in the refrigerator.

Next I decided to buy small glass bottles of vodka. This way I could use them for the final product and not have to purchase glass bottles separately. I got 100ml bottles which is just under 3.5 oz. I figure I can make small batches of each of the flavors and then once I decide my favorite flavors I can make larger batches of the ones I like. Each bottle was $2.50 where the larger bottles were $5.00 each. So for these I spent a total of $12.50 plus tax.

I tore off the labels so that I'll just end with clear bottles filled with nicely colored liquid.

I also bought a set of 6 water bottles for $2 and took the labels off of them in order to see the color inside more clearly. I figure I can just pour the water into a glass and drink it that way I don't waste the water. (A great way to get your 10 glasses of water for the day)

I used a paper towel to dry the inside of the bottles. I used a crayon to label the tops of each the water bottles corresponding to the skittle color. This way I can just keep the water bottles for the next batch.
Next I used a funnel to transfer the vodka from the glass bottles into the water bottles and used a scale to determine that each bottle is about 3.2oz so I put in about 35 skittles of each color into each bottle (the calculation in the recipe says about 10 per ounce however I figure a few extra can't hurt).

Without even shaking the color coating comes off the skittles however for good measure I gave each bottle a good shake and let it sit overnight and into the next day. I think the small amount of liquid made it difficult to have the skittles dissolve.

Next I used coffee filters (as suggested) to filter the mixture. Not all of the skittles dissolved but most did.
I initially used about 3 filters for each batch. It was taking quite a bit of time to filter (and i may not be the most patient person..) So i squeezed the filter to get the rest out. This turned out to be not the best idea because the vodka came out thicker then necessary.
I started with the purple, then green then orange. By the time I got to red I decided the better method would be to get a plastic fork to scrape the bottom of the filter to move over the gummy residue from the skittles.
This worked quite a bit better and the red and yellow came out much clearer than the first three. I then went back and repeated the process with the first 3.
I wasn't able to fit all of the vodka back in the jars, so I lost maybe about a total of 0.2 ounces.

Over all they came out very pretty and I can't wait to try them after my exam :)


  1. Wow Aziza! The colors are beautiful and they sound very yummy. This is something I'll definitely try... when I'm not pregnant or breastfeeding... maybe in a few years :-)

  2. Yeah, I've been sick so have to wait to try them so they're sitting in the freezer... it was a fun potentially messy project. You can have the kids divide up the skittles... that part was fun :)

  3. I'm sorry you've been sick... The kids thought the project looked like a lot of fun, but then when I said it was "alcohol" they said it sounded disgusting... I love the apron you just made too! I've been wanting an apron kind of like that, but there is no way I'm going to make one myself. (I am not so crafty, but I'm good with placing stickers and drawing with crayons.)
