Saturday, March 10, 2012

The new sesame street?

Apparently Sesame street has a new look and characters that I don't know. I found this out sitting on my friend's couch while her daughter was watching this strange updated sesame street.
Fastfoward several months later and I get a message from that same friend telling me that she want's to do an Abby Cadabby theme birthday party for her daughter's 2nd birthday. My first question "Who in the world is Abby Cadabby?" Well apparently the new layout is the only new aspect of sesame street. There is a new character named Abby Cadabby! After a bit of research I find out that she is a 3 year old fairy in training!
Well why has my friend messaged me with this news? She was hoping I could help her out by making an Abby outfit for her daughter. OF COURSE  I would!!!
Now this has opened a whole new challenge for me, how am I going to make an outfit for a 2 year old who lives over 1,000 miles away!

I'm 'always' up for a fabric related challenge. So I gathered several measurements from my friend and she also gave me her daughter's clothing size, 2T.  Since I was working without a pattern I decided to run do the second hand store and pick up a dress in her size to model my design after. Apparently you can find adult clothes cheaper than some children's close at the 2nd hand store, lucky for me the dress I picked up was only $3.

Next I picked up fabric. I found some chiffon type fabric in the remnant bin for about $5 and some mirrored organza for another $5. I also picked up flower petals from Joann's (the only place that had them in the area) and was able to use a 40% off coupon to get them for about $7.

In order to get the desired matching color scheme I decided the best bet would be to dye everything, blue, blueish purple and purple. I also saw the perfect color thread on sale for 50% off and got both blue and purple to use in the serger. I used a strange soaking method for the dying since I wanted to get a light color. I also decided to go for the three different shades.

I dyed the flower petals by threading them all through a strings and then splitting them into three different bunches.

After this I had to take a break since school called.

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