Saturday, October 22, 2011

Haloween 2011 go!

 So Halloween is coming around again this year and with a limited amount of time and money I've decided to be Katara from Avatar since I already made the outfit.
Since I was a different size all I really have to do is make a new white belt which I've done then I need to sew a few edges around the top to make it look a bit more finished. The main work I will do is to make an outfit for my boyfriend. He is going to be the Boulder, also from Avatar.
This costume seems a bit doable. So far we've bought about 2 yards of fabric for the pants and the armbands and half a yard for the “loin” cloth portion. Found both fabrics at Walmart for $1.50 per yard.
What I plan to do is make the pants like I would make my kung fu pants but just cutting off at the knee so there is no need for extra fabric for the bend in the knee.
I plan to use snaps to keep everything together, the bands on the pants , the leg and arm wraps and the belt.
For the belt I plan to get the stiffest interfacing and sewing the fabric onto it then using hot glue to put ribbon on the border as well as attach the gold dots. And sew the green fabric gathered, then sew the brown fabric slightly gathered to it then sew that to the prepared “belt”. I'm hoping this project will take at most 4 hours since

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