Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Leather courage

About 2 years ago I decided to buy some leather at the ren faire in order to make a bodice. I see the leather ones they have selling for at least $175! Each piece of leather costs about $20 so I figure for about $40 I can make myself one right?

Then again once I cut the leather there is no going back. So there it sat for about 2 years before I got up the courage to pick up the scissors and just do it. I realized that the size of the piece I had could easily use the one piece for the bodice and just cut it to fit. 

I have the excess strips draped across since I've been thinking about adding the straps to really make it a bodice. To the left is a picture of the back. I have since made slits in the back and on the sides so that the leather will lay over my hips. I'm hoping to make it small enough so there is no need for extra support.

I just punched holes to have it line up although I still may need to make it a bit smaller in the middle. I want to be able to pull it together and not quite have it close. I initially was looking for about a half inch gap between the two sides meeting in the front. 

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