This will be a short picture heavy post. What have I been doing lately? well some of it is what I should be doing (work) the other part is pottery in the pottery studio so there are very few pictures of me crafting anything but I figure I can share the end results most worked well some not so much but here it is!
This is my Schroder platter I had for my presentation. I used the wooden mold to drop in the clay this took over 6lbs of clay rolled out in a slab to cover it, anything larger than this won't fit in the kiln ... which is good to know I eyeballed the size fairly well. I glazed this with the help of a friend at the studio because I couldn't hold it and glaze at the same time. I then scrapped off the green glaze from the border and sprayed yellow on over it. I really love the way it turned out!
This piece is the middle size of my three four sided molds, I was experimenting and absolutely love how this came out. I will have to use these colors more often. I again used the technique of rubbing off glaze around the rim. I need to experiment with glazing the bottoms of pieces since I don't want too much (and have it get stuck to the shelf) or too little glaze which is what happened on the bottom here.
This is the smallest of the four sided. I dropped it to create the curve but I like how it didn't become very deep and create a bowl more than a plate. I am experimenting with ways to attach feet to hand built pieces. I used one of the new recycled glazes for this one and really liked how it came out, I also used underglaze to paint what I was hoping would look like bamboo... not quite but I'll keep trying to get better!
This is my Catalan plate, I used the same technique as the mid sized four sided piece but because this is much larger it didn't give quite the same effect. I'll have to play with it although I do like the colors the numbers don't pop as well here. I also now know I do not like the blue slip under this, which is what the black dots are. I also ended up cutting the bottom out of this originally so it gave it an interesting shape where I re-attached it. All in all a success.
This is the smallest of the six sided shapes. The idea I had here was of water pooling into the center, I really liked this although I think next time I will use quite a bit more glaze in the center to make it more pool like. Although I have no idea how this will turn out on white clay which is what I have quite a bit of at the moment.
This is the medium six sided shape, the lines in the center came from folds in the newspaper I used to hold the clay before placing it in the mold, I think it's interesting how it turned out. I was going for a jeweled look with this one so there is blue slip along the edges which give it a nice texture.
Again the smallest of the six sided shapes. I used blue slip dropped in the middle, the red on the outside I thought I had put quite a bit of it but some how it wasn't nearly enough, I probably should have re-glazed this adding more red since I don't dislike the combination just the amount makes it look like a mistake.
I dipped this in green celedon however the glaze has massive amounts of crawling, I happen to really like the color where it's extremely heavy so I may have to use that in the center of something where it can't fall off, but it's no good to apply it heavy to any side because gravity will take over.
This piece was another experiment where I textured the outside, and I really like how it turned out. The only difference is I would put a foot on this so I could glaze the entire textured area, although I like rocking it back and forth since it's not a flat bottom. The nice thing is it doesn't tip over it's actually fairly stable so the stuff I put in it will stay in it even if it is moving around. I also am going to try this color combination again.
The one thing I do have to say is I have no real room to put all this stuff but I love making it and eating off of it!